Serverless Printing
Print servers are costly and can provide more issues to an organisation. A serverless print solution takes away the requirement of print servers completely.
Serverless Printing
What is Serverless Printing?
It allows customers to reduce their print hardware infrastructure by eliminating print servers. Serverless printing allows the IT team to regain control over print drivers, this includes deployment options and end-user support from an easy-to-use administrator portal.
Print servers are costly and can provide more issues to an organisation. A serverless print solution takes away the requirement for print servers completely.
Having a simplified print environment without print servers will result in fewer helpdesk calls to resolve printing issues, leading to improved productivity, and enabling support teams to focus on high-priority projects.
Advantages of Serverless Printing
1. You can create a cohesive and centralised print solution:
· This means, that by taking away the print servers an organisation can implement a cohesive print environment that can be overseen by a centralised location.
· Employees (remote or office based) will be able to install printers with a single click, which will significantly improve productivity.
2. Valued added technologies can be used within the print environment:
· Print job auditing & SNMP monitoring to keep closer track of print usage.
· Mobile printing, enabling print jobs to be printed on the go.
· Avoids group policy objects and scripts for increased productivity.
3. Ability to quickly and easily scale print environments:
· Serverless printing allows organisations to implement print solutions that help organisations grow alongside the demands of the business.
· You can be a small or large organisation and the impact would be significant. For example, business owners and managers will be able to use serverless printing infrastructure to easily deploy printers to end users through IP ranges.
4. Maintain Security and Compliance:
· A serverless printing environment provides organisations with superior security compared to print servers.
· It eliminates the issues of server crashes, and downtime vulnerabilities, thus preventing the impact on print requirements,
· Secure pull printing is a brilliant functionality that comes with serverless printing. This advanced solution allows print jobs to be securely printed as and when the individual requires the documents. It holds print jobs until told to release them by the relevant individual, and keeps documents in the right hands.
For further advice and guidance on serverless printing, please get in touch with the team today:
T: 0207 101 0096
E: contact@itdocumentsolutions.com
W: https://www.itdocumentsolutions.com/solutions/workflow
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